About Us

Sottomarino has been operating since 2014 and has extensive experience working with projects of varying complexity. We have a wide range of furniture to suit different tastes and budgets. We work with various furniture manufacturers (Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Spain), and also produce custom-made furniture; we can also offer exclusive furniture and solid wood furniture.

We also offer the development of a design project, with all the necessary documentation (drawings, visualizations, estimates, selection of finishing materials, etc.), and, if necessary, designer supervision. We create both exclusive and budget interiors. We have experience working not only in Latvia, but also abroad (England, Spain, Russia). More details about design projects and photos of our work can be found on our website www.sottomarinodesign.com

We are not afraid to experiment and create something new, but at the same time we always try to make it not only beautiful, but also convenient, practical, and of high quality.